3D Panorama | Cinema 4D Template

Description: Project did with Cinema 4D and After Effects, this is Cinema 4D template, so you need After Effects and Cinema 4D. Project did in Cinema 4D R18, but you can open it in any version, which is has Physical render.


  • Project did with Cinema 4D and After Effects, this is Cinema 4D template, so you need After Effects and Cinema 4D. Also you don’t need any third-party plugins.
  • Easy customization.
  • After Effects CS5 and above.
  • The audio used in the example is “Timelapse” which is available for purchase here .
  • Help file included.
  • No plug-ins required.
  • Project did in Cinema 4D R18, but you can open it in any version, which is has Physical render.
  • Font which i used.

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