Asian teenage girl eating sushi rolls with chopsticks near her family sitting on sunny sandy beach with sea horizon in background.
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- Asian teenage girl eating sushi rolls with chopsticks near her family sitting on sandy beach
Asian teenage girl eating sushi rolls with chopsticks near her family sitting on sandy beach
Asian teenage girl eating sushi rolls with chopsticks near her family sitting on sandy beach
average based on ratings.
Last Update | 1 October 2024 |
Published | 1 October 2024 |
Frame Rate | 25 |
Resolution | 3840x2160 |
Video Encoding | H.264 |
File Size | 48.97MB |
Number of Clips | 1 |
Total Clip(s) Length | 00:07 |
No. of People | 2 |
Gender | Female |
Age | Child Middle Aged |
Ethnicity | East Asian |
Tags | appetizing, asian, background, beach, beautiful, bonding, breakfast, care, chopsticks, daughter, eaten, eating, enjoyment, family, father, food, freedom, fresh, fun, girls, hands, harmony, having, kids, love, mother, near, ocean, outdoors, parents, quality time, real people, relaxation, sand, sandy beach, scenery, sea, sea horizon, sitting, smiling, summer day, summer picnic, summer time, sunny, sushi rolls, tasty, teenage girl, together, vacation, |