Crow Selector | After Effects Script

button will start the selection process, if you normal-click it will only select the items/layers base on the rule, if you Shift-click it will add them to the already selected items/layer, if you Alt-click it will remove them from the already selected items/layers. At the bottom you can find a drop down menu that will instantly execute the command you’ve chosen: – Select Label Group will select all the items/layers with the same label of the selected item – Select All will select all the items/layers – Deselect All will deselect all the items/layers – Invert Selection will invert the selection between the layers/items Some main features are: – Clean and Dockable GUI – FREE ft-Toolbar Icon included – 3 filtering options – Very easy to use – Help window The script has been tested in After Effects CS4+.

Crow Selector is a script that will help select items and layers very quickly. You can chose to select project items or comp layers. Then you have to define the rule, it can Match the name, or the Label or its instance. The [?] button will start the selection process, if you normal-click it will only select the items/layers base on the rule, if you Shift-click it will add them to the already selected items/layer, if you Alt-click it will remove them from the already selected items/layers. At the bottom you can find a drop down menu that will instantly execute the command you’ve chosen: – Select Label Group will select all the items/layers with the same label of the selected item – Select All will select all the items/layers – Deselect All will deselect all the items/layers – Invert Selection will invert the selection between the layers/items

Some main features are:

– Clean and Dockable GUI – FREE ft-Toolbar Icon included – 3 filtering options – Very easy to use – Help window The script has been tested in After Effects CS4+. CS3 should work as well.

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