Extreme Show Event Promo
Welcome to a very exciting Adobe template! Perfect fit for making promo of some Extremal Sport Events like bike riding, moto racing, skate jumping etc.
슬라이드 쇼, 프리젠 테이션, 효과 후, 어도비, 템플릿, スライドショー、プレゼンテーション、テンプレート, 幻灯片, 演示, 后效果, 模板, ロゴは明らかにします, 로고 공개, 标志显示 Thank you so much for being interested in our templates! Please check another projects in a same style for Adobe After Effects software only. Create sportive and aggressive promotion or adrenaline video a few clicks fast and easily! You want to make an advertising sport club, fitness center, extreme sports channel intro or maybe a presentation of a gym center? Use the Extreme Show Event Promo template! You need to make a video portfolio for a coach or instructor? That project will help you. Also you can create some interesting bodybuilders, mountain bikes, windsurfing video promo for display in the gym or produce short video clips for presentation of your sport agency or bodybuilders models. That really universal template you can use to make demonstrations or promotions of street dancers or some urban sports trends or any extremely dangerous kind of sport – mountain bikes, ultimate fighting, snowboarding etc.
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Extreme Show Event Promo
Perfect fit for making promo of some Extremal Sport Events like bike riding, moto racing, skate jumping etc. 슬라이드 쇼, 프리젠 테이션, 효과 후, 어도비, 템플릿, スライドショー、プレゼンテーション、テンプレート, 幻灯片, 演示, 后效果, 模板, ロゴは明らかにします, 로고 공개, 标志显示 Thank you so much for being interested in our templates! Also you can create some interesting bodybuilders, mountain bikes, windsurfing video promo for display in the gym or produce short video clips for presentation of your sport agency or bodybuilders models. That really universal template you can use to make demonstrations or promotions of street dancers or some urban sports trends or any extremely dangerous kind of sport – mountain bikes, ultimate fighting, snowboarding etc. Used Free Fonts (Font links included) Used Music, Images and Videos just for Preview, not included in the project file 0:40 min default duration 13 placeholders for media (photos or videos) 28 text placeholders (use your titles) Masking tutorial HERE Music Link – Sport Promo Thx for bought our products!