A very comfortable package for creating online conferences, forums, and schools.
There is also a color control that can be changed to the color you want. UP TO 15 windows for speakers, home screen, text screens, schedule, transitions. A calm and beautiful background will diversify your broadcast and visually highlight your conference.
Project Contains:- Start Screen (seamless and loop)
- Stream Screens (1-15 speakers)
- Presentation Screens (1 video + 1 or 3 speakers)
- Screens with descriptions (x5)
- Text screens (x3)
- Transitions (x7)
- Full HD Resolutions 1080p, 30 fps
- No plugins required
- No prerenders
- 100% After Effects
- After Effects CС12 and above
- Help file included
- Easily customizable template
- ExpressionUniversalizer
- Pictures are not included
- Soundtrack