Vintage Fashion Promo
Vintage Fashion Promo Make a video promo or demo reel in retro style of the 70s, original titles and sepia colors. Use your own photos or video, type your titles and place this clip on video display into your boutique or shop. Used Free Fonts (Font links included) Used Music, Images and Videos just for Preview, not included in the project file 42 seconds total duration 8 placeholders for media (photo or video) 10 editable titles Music Link – Disco Funk Fashion Groove CC Licensed Video Links Used In Preview: A Woman Smoking A Cigarette Video of a Man Dancing A Woman Pointing A Gun At A Man Woman Holding a Disco Ball While Doing a Fashion Shoot A Young Woman Video Recording A Plasprtic Flamingo Bird Woman Posing with Hands on Waist We have many other impressive projects in the same kind, you can check it out here:
슬라이드 쇼, 프리젠 테이션, 효과 후, 어도비, 템플릿, スライドショー、プレゼンテーション、テンプレート, 幻灯片, 演示, 后效果, 模板, ロゴは明らかにします, 로고 공개, 标志显示 Thank you so much for being interested in our templates! Please check another projects in a same style for Adobe After Effects software only. Use your own photos or video, type your titles and place this clip on video display into your boutique or shop. Make dynamic and fashion style intro or video blog channel opener or promo with grunge and glitch effects! Is perfect for urban opener, tv show, new street trends or flash sale slideshow or any media opener. Even special events. You can use images instead of videos. Very simple and well-organized project. You can easily change the colors in just one simple step. Changing text, drop your media, audio and hit render. Fast rendering project. You don’t need any Advance knowledge of After Effects in order to use this project. Even if you never worked with the After Affects you can watch the help file and complete the job.
We have many other impressive projects in the same kind, you can check it out here: